Portland Filmmaker Kirk Findlay, who grew up in Vancouver, is a Director/Writer/Producer of independent documentary films.
Former TV news host & sports anchor. Broadcasting/Film graduate of Washington State University (Pullman). The first documentary, "Jack Matlack," was honored by AFI (short). Sports documentaries on baseball and hockey are both recognized by the MLB Hall of Fame and NHL HOF.
Several doc shorts on travel and destinations on-location, all original content with historical film archives for depth.
The current film, "Pioneers of the Pacific," is based on baseball life in the West. Pre-production on docs "My Day with Anna Nicole," "Hazel Dell 8." Interests: Horse Racing, Route 66, Silent Movies. Super-8 movie producer shot 8 minutes *unseen* Mount St. Helens (summer) eruption at close range.
Check out Kirk's Passion for editing the documentary!
Kirk's personal Super8 film!